Almería receives an offer of €25m from Borussia Dortmund for Sadiq Umar

Sadiq Umar

Umar Sadiq is not assured of his continuity at UD Almería next season, after the club received an offer of 25 million euros for the 25-year-old Nigerian striker on Tuesday. His representative agency, the CAA Base, has also received a contract proposal to convince the footballer, according to what FútbolFantasy has learned, surpassing the record that he now receives in the rojiblanca entity. Club and player study the proposal of a European team whose name has not been revealed and is kept secret.

In addition, the Almería press also reveals on Wednesday, that the striker has left his house in El Toyo, to which he moved from his previous residence on Camino del Bobar (Vega de Acá) less than a year ago. Now, not yet knowing if he will continue to defend the UDA shield, he has not renewed his rental contract to continue staying in this chalet. His home will depend on what happens in the market and the latest events put the Almeria fans on alert.

For weeks, UD Almería had valued Umar Sadiq at 30 million euros and assured that he would not accept offers below that figure. Now, it remains to be seen if he is open to negotiating with the club that has offered the 25 or if he closes the exit door.

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