Robert Akpenpuun, chairman of Vandeikya Football Council used the occassion of the yuletide to thrill his community with football game between two districts that made up his village.
It was a great football spectacleWhen Nyimaghagh and Mbatyough districts filed out to the pitch and the football fans in the community had a good doze of community football. Mbatyough team won 1-0.
Great sons and daughters of Vandeikya council in Benue state witnessed the football event which was kicked off by Reverend Sister Dooshima Omgu.
Speaking to, Akpenpuun said football is very exciting and what was witnessed at his Vandeikya coucil between the districts clearly indicated that football talents are everywhere in Nigeria.
“Everyone was happy with the football game they watched at Vandeikya during the yuletide. Despite being a village affair, the two districts gave a good account of themselves and the fans went home with great excitement,’ Akpenpuun said.
“We at Vandeikya football council hope to make it more like village football league every December by the grace of God,” he said.
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